Marketing tip #7 – A tip for young creatives

I get asked daily by young creatives how they can break into the game of marketing/branding on a large scale level and start creating a name for themselves and begin working on regional, national and international projects.

Here’s my answer:

If you are a young designer, copywriter or creative wanting to make it in the big leagues, the first thing you absolutely must do is quit acting like an hourly employee. Quite whining about your work load, long hours, unrealistic deadlines, not being able to work on the “fun” projects etc. This is the game you signed up for and if you can’t handle it then hit the door. This mentality will not get you where you want to go. Sure, you may be an hourly employee now, but if you start acting, thinking and most importantly working like a dedicated and seasoned creative, you will get there. You must also let go of your ego, accept the fact that you are still wet behind the ears and become a sponge to all the amazing people that are working around you and soak up everything you can.  It’s all in your attitude. Start kicking butt everyday and going above and beyond without complaint. Soon everyone from the account executives to the senior creatives and Principal will start to take notice and good things will happen in an exponential way.

If, for some reason you’re busting your ass and becoming a major player on the team but not getting recognized for your effort, then it’s time to look for new opportunities. As my dad used to say, “If you ain’t learnin or earnin…it’s time to move on.”

Good luck out there. Now get motivated and go get some.


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